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Beauty and health:

Make up
Make up

Beauty Tools
Beauty Tools

Hair care
Hair care

Personal care
Personal care

Foot, hand and nail care
Foot, hand and nail care

Wigs and accessories
Wigs and accessories

Shaving and hair removal
Shaving and hair removal

Oral care
Oral care


Skin care
Skin care

Salon and massage equipment
Salon and massage equipment

Make-up bags and cosmetic bags
Make-up bags and cosmetic bags

Make-up mirror
Make-up mirror

Artificial eyelashes
Artificial eyelashes

Body Make-Up
Body Make-Up

Bath accessories
Bath accessories

Temporary Tattoos
Temporary Tattoos

Styling Tools
Styling Tools

Hair cutting tools
Hair cutting tools

Facial care
Facial care

Refillable containers
Refillable containers

Press-One nails
Press-One nails

Nail jewelry and nail stickers
Nail jewelry and nail stickers

Powder for nails
Powder for nails

Hair styling accessories
Hair styling accessories

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Hello, you've landed on the Beauty & Health page of Glad you're here!

As a small addition to the range of goods, here is some information on the history of personal care in Europe. Enjoy reading:

As is the case, the perfection of personal hygiene began with the higher classes of society. This was also the case in ancient times. The bathhouses that were common at the time offered the opportunity to bathe in goat's and donkey's milk. This treatment promised softer and smoother skin. In the ointment rooms, visitors could be massaged with oils, honey, bran or fruit extracts. Perfumed water, creams and make-up were also part of the personal hygiene program of the privileged.

In Christianity, which emerged later, it was considered inappropriate to pay more attention to the body than necessary. People tended to equate physical beauty with vanity (vanitas). It was even considered a sin not to leave one's own body as God created it. The concept of beauty here referred more to the 'inner values' of a person. For this reason, oils, ointments and creams were from then on used exclusively for medical treatment purposes.

During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, the plague raged in Europe. People avoided contact with water because it was thought to be the source of the disease. As a result, people hardly ever bathed or washed. Beer was the most common drink, as it was considered safer than plain water due to its (germicidal) alcohol content. Instead of cleansing the body, the focus in more sophisticated circles was now on cosmetic facial treatments and perfuming the body. People of both sexes wore wigs made of blond, curly hair as headgear. It was also considered chic to make up one's face with a thick layer of white powder. The powder used at the time sometimes contained lead, the poison of which caused many skin diseases.

During the Classical period, concerns about the use of plain water gradually disappeared. Pastor Kneipp developed his water therapies during this period. Water pouring, baths, wraps and even soap now became fashionable. Women now wore more subtle makeup.

At the end of the 19th century, industrial mass production of cosmetics became possible. This meant that even people from the lower classes had access to body care products. The noble restraint with regard to makeup was now discarded. Highly teased hair and scented wigs now came into fashion. Another novelty of this time: deodorant.

The "golden 20s" of the 20th century were a heyday of body cult. Opportunities for saunas and skin treatments in beauty salons were created. Women who valued their contemporary appearance now applied subtle powder, painted their lips red, outlined their eyes with dark makeup, plucked their eyebrows very thinly and wore the so-called "bob" hairstyle.

Since the post-war period, regular body care and the use of cosmetic products have become an integral part of everyday life for most people. Today, especially most women, use make-up, lipstick, eye shadow, blusher, contouring, etc. as a matter of course.

And now you can order everything you need to feel good conveniently online at It's not just the prices that you'll like!

The following categories from the Beauty & Health product group are available:

Make Up, Beauty Tools, Hair Care, Personal Care, Foot, Hand and Nail Care, Wigs & Accessories, Shaving and Hair Removal, Oral Care, Fragrances, Skin Care, Salon and Massage Equipment, Make Up Bags & Cosmetic Pouches, Makeup Mirrors, False Eyelashes, Body Make Up, Bath Accessories, Temporary Tattoos, Styling Tools, Hair Cutting Tools, Facial Care, Refillable Containers, Press-One Nails, Nail Jewelry and Nail Stickers, Powder and Powder for Nails, Hairstyling Accessories

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