you ended up on the page for men's fashion in large sizes from
Lisagogo.com. Nice that you're here!
a small addition to the range of goods, some information about the
social importance of clothing is summarized here. Have fun while
earlier times it was not up to everyone how he wanted to dress. The way
they had to dress were simply assigned to the people of the different
stands. So a form of uniform. First, the courtly, the bourgeois and the
clothing of the rural population come to mind. The countless
craftsmanship (e.g. that of the carpenter) and the many religious
costumes are only a fraction of the diversity of this genre.
In today's world, apart from the professional groups that are obliged
from the outset, a uniform (fire brigade, military, police ect.) Or
work clothes (medicine, care, law enforcement officers, officials,
etc.) has no longer any existence . In the various milieus of our
society, however, there are sometimes very binding conventions of which
clothing is appropriate. In leisure time, however, certain clothing
styles and accessories are also often worn, which should express
belonging to a scene (e.g. punk, popper, rocker, hippi, eco, etc.).
This form of freedom was previously only in the carnival.
Clothing that is intended to consolidate the cohesion in a group can
also be found in private sector companies and organizations (Kluft), in
religions (headscarf, burqa, soutane, talar ect.), In special legal
conditions (e.g. imprisonment in prison) and in associations
(traditional costumes, Coleur, jersey). To name just a few examples.
In addition to all these ranks -ordering functions, the original
protection task of the clothing, e.g. in adverse weather conditions,
cannot be forgotten. As "second skin" protects and hides clothing and
also serves the expression of your own individuality. The acquisition
of a certain piece of clothing can be done from a very different point
of view.
One very carefully makes sure that the clothing of the current fashion
corresponds and / or comes from a trendy brand. It is important to the
other that the use functionality and feel -good components are
coherent. Behind it can be very different motives, such as pragmatism,
striving for pleasure, desire for integration through assimilation,
expression of feelings and moods, desire for well -being, imposing
behavior, expression of one's own lifestyle, expression of self -image
about one's own social status, non -conformity, rebellion etc.
In science there are three theories why people have a need to dress.
The oldest of this is protection theory. In the 19th century, shame
theory spread in connection with Christian moral ideas. Last but not
least, there is the jewelry theory, which says that you dress up to
consciously attract attention to be admired. Today it is assumed that
these theories are not to be considered standing side by side, but
Which clothing style you favor for yourself is entirely at your own
discretion and you now have the opportunity to dress out cheap online
on lisagogo.com!
The following categories from the "Men's
clothing in large sizes" product group are available:
sets, hoodies and sweatshirts, tops, training suits, sets, jeans, polo
shirts, sweaters, cargo pants, shorts, shirts, jackets & coats,
tank tops, swimming pants, suits
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But now a lot of fun shopping
and saving money ....